Mahir Saul
Since 2010 Mahir Saul’s research has focused on international African migration to the countries of the Mediterranean basin and of Asia, within the framework of South-South migration. He spent several year-long periods of fieldwork in Istanbul on West and Central African migration to Turkey. From 2020 on, he directed a project supported by the Outstanding International Scholars Program of the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey, with a research team that offered graduate and postgraduate scholarships. This project has been hosted by Kadir Has University in Istanbul.
Prior to that, Prof. Saul carried out most of his anthropological research in West Africa. Starting with his dissertation research, he conducted four long periods of fieldwork (1978-79; 1983-84; 1989-90; 1993-96) in Burkina Faso. He also spent extended periods for archival research on the colonial period in Paris, Abidjan, White Father missionary archives in Rome, and in Ouagadougou. He continues to publish on his earlier West African research and on African cinema, as well as on his current international migration project.
The Burkina Faso research of Prof. Saul was conducted first in the Moore-speaking villages of the White Volta (Nakambe River) valley, and after 1983 in Bobo-speaking villages of the west. It concerned the social organization of the rural household and production, household consumption and market sales, kinship relations, gender roles, allocation of tasks and time use, market and trade, responses to development programs, ritual cycle and festivals, the development of Islam, and the broader topics of social organization and economic anthropology. Eventually African cinema, economic history, social history, and the larger historical trends of Islam and Christianity also became topics in his publications.
He published an anthropological history of a violent African resistance movement in the early colonial period, and essays on the polycephalous political order of the late nineteenth century Volta region, economic history, older money, and transition to colonial currency. He participated in a large multi-country project on environmental history, collaborating for the purpose with Burkinabe colleagues. He followed work on rural, urban, and cross-border trade with surveys on the same topic in Mali, Senegal, Benin, Togo, and Ghana. His current sub-Saharan immigrant research builds on this background; it foregrounds trade connections, self-employment, and aspirations for self-betterment against prevailing themes in the literature, such as helplessness, precarious existence, and transitory movements.
The second world area where Şaul conducts research is Turkey in its Middle Eastern and European settings. He wrote on Judeo-Spanish sociolinguistics, has an abiding interest in Turkish oral literature and folklore, and gave lectures on Turkish nationalism and the modernization process. He held teaching and research positions in various European institutions. On the heels of an African film festival in Urbana, Illinois, he curated 2012 a high-profile African film series for the Istanbul Museum of Modern Art in Turkey.

- African immigration and transnational studies
- West African historical anthropology
- Economic anthropology
- Anticolonial movements
- Intrahousehold processes
- Rural, urban and transborder trade
- Ecological history
- Islam
- African Cinema
- Areal focus: Burkina Faso, West Africa, Turkey.
2020-2023 Principal researcher and director of sub-Saharan African migrants research project
Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey, International
Outstanding Researchers program; and Visiting Professor at Kadir Has University,
1982-2022 Assistant, Associate, and Full Professor
The University of Illinois (Urbana-Champaign), Department of Anthropology
2010 Boğaziçi University, History Department, Istanbul
Fall semester, Visiting Professor
2004 Collège de France and Ecole de Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales.
Associé de Recherche, Laboratoire d’Anthropologie Sociale
2004 Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology
July 1-August 19 Visiting Fellow, Halle,
1999 Freie Universität
Fall semester DAAD Visiting Professor, Institute für Ethnologie, Berlin, Germany
1996-1997 Laboratoire ERMES (Laboratoire d’enseignement et de recherche sur les milieux et les sociétés)
Chargé de Recherche, IRD and Université d’Orléans, Orléans, France
1991-1992 Yale University
Visiting Associate Professor of Anthropology,
1988 – 1989 University of Illinois
1988 Fall and 1989 Fall, Acting Director, Center for African Studies
2012 Visionaries Award of Utne Reader magazine: “12 People Changing Your World” in the year of 2012″
Read the article: 1 Read the article: 2
2004 Distinguished Africanist Award, Association for Africanist Anthropology, section of American Anthropological Association.
2002 Amaury Talbot Prize of the Royal Anthropological Institute, UK. Best book in African Studies.
2002 Outstanding Academic Title, Choice (the American Library Association)
1982 Esther L. Kinsley Outstanding Dissertation Award.
2019 TÜBITAK International Fellowship for Outstanding Researchers 2232 BIDEB program
2017 National Science Foundation: An Ethnographic Investigation of Recent Shifts in Migration from the Global South (Award Id : 1733640)
2014 Hewlett International Research Grant for fieldwork
2012 Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) International Short visit Grant (Decision IZKOZ1_143983) for work in collaboration with the University of Zurich, Ethnologisches Seminar.
2010 The Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research
2010 Erasmus Mundus Fellowship. Master TPTI Program (Techniques, Patrimoine, Territoires de l’industrie). Consortium of Université Paris 1, Sorbonne (France), Universidade de Evora (Portugal), Università di Padova (Italy). May-September.
2004 National Endowment for the Humanities Fellowship Award
1992-1998 John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, Joint Research Grant One of Four Principal Investigators: “The African Environment: Experience and Control”. Burkina Faso, Côte d’Ivoire, Mozambique, and Ethiopia.
1994 Fulbright-Hays Faculty Research Fellowship
1988-1990 National Science Foundation: “Social Relations and the History of Farming in Bobo Country, West Africa” BNS 88-15676
1988 William and Flora Hewlett International Research Grant: “Research in Missionary Archives in Rome, Italy”
1988 The Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research: “Social Relations and the History of Farming in Bobo Country, West Africa”
1986 John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation [Program in Arms Control, Disarmament, and International Security] . Course Development: “Development and Defense Spending in Africa.”
1983-1984 National Science Foundation: “Income, Expenditure and Intra-Household Patterns in Bobo Country” BNS 83-05394
1983-1984 The Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research, “Income, Expenditure and Intra-Household Patterns in Bobo Country” #4392